What is Payrolling or also called Salary Hosting?

The salary hosting is a legal framework allowing any individual (consultant-freelancer) to propose his/her services to a client company without being a registered independent or having its own company.
The payrolling provider, as The Business Harbour, employs the resource person and provides it to the client company.
The consultant-freelancer receive very month a payslip with all legal deductions.
This legal framework also allows a company (the client) to quickly use the services of a consultant, without having the administrative constraint inherent to traditional recruitment of an employee. The corporate-client only receives a single invoice to pay every month.
How does it work?
Mandate generated by the consultant
The freelance consultant has identified a mandate with a client company
Mandate preparation
The freelance consultant describes the mission to The Business Harbour.
The Business Harbour contacts the client company with the aim of establishing the relationship between The Business Harbour and the client company through a Master service contract (it is possible that this relationship already exist, in this scenario this step is not necessary).
The Business Harbour prepares the contracts
Agreement in all transparency
The freelance consultant, the client company and The Business Harbour agree on the terms and sign the tripartite contract describing the mission and all the practical elements of the mandate.
The freelance consultant signs the employment contract with The Business Harbour based on the terms and conditions of the tripartite agreement.
He-She becomes an employee of The Business Harbour, made available of the client-company for the mandate.
Mandate generated by the client company
The client company wishes to benefit from a consultant working from Switzerland.
Mandate preparation
The client-company describes the mission and the identified person to The Business Harbour.
The Business Harbour and the client company sign a Master service contract (it is possible that this relationship already exist, in this scenario this step is not necessary).
Upon green-light from the client-company, The Business Harbour contacts the identified freelance consultant to explain the concept of payrolling and collect the data to create the personal file.
Agreement in all transparency
The client-company, the freelance consultant and The Business Harbour agree and sign the tripartite mandate contract describing the mission and all practical elements of the mandate.
The freelance consultant signs the employment contract with The Business Harbour based on the terms and conditions of the tripartite agreement.
He-She becomes an employee of The Business Harbour, made available of the client-company for the mandate.
Legal basis of Salary Hosting
Should you be interested in Swiss salary hosting regulations, please take a look at the Collective Bargaining Agreement – Staff Leasing (published on May 25, 2021):
Our payrolling approche
Testimonials from our customers
We always attach a great importance to the quality of our services. We systematically ask for feedback from our employees